Club Rules

1. Title

The title of the club shall be the BOCKING ALLIANCE BOWLS CLUB, hereafter called “The Club” (a section of BOCKING SPORTS CLUB) and shall be affiliated to Bowls England and Essex County Bowling Association.

2. Object of The Club

2.1 To uphold the goodwill and the name of Bowls England and Essex County Bowling Association and to provide opportunities for recreation and competition.

2.2 To promote, foster and safeguard the level green game of bowls in the county of Essex as laid down by the rules of Bowls England.

2.3 To arrange inter-club and other matches and competitions considered desirable for both men and ladies.

3. Membership

3.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to any applicant.

3.2 Every application for membership shall be made on the form provided by the Secretary. All applications for membership shall be dealt with by The Club Committee before being passed onto Bocking Sports Club Committee for acceptance.

3.3 It shall be within the power of The Club at the A.G.M. to nominate Honorary Life Members for special services to the game and this Club. These names will be submitted to the Bocking Sports Club for election as Honorary Life Members of that body after their approval by The Club committee.

3.4 Each member of the Club will be provided with a copy of The Club rules upon acceptance as a member.

4. Subscriptions

4.1 A yearly subscription, at the rate fixed at the Bocking Sports Club A.G.M., shall be paid not later than the 1st May in each year to the Bocking Sports Club.

4.2 Members failing to pay their subscriptions as stated above shall forfeit all their rights and privileges of membership until the whole amount of the arrears have been paid.

5. Administration

5.1 The affairs of The Club shall be conducted by a committee consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Match Secretary, Hon. Competition Secretary, Selection Committee Representative, Captain, Vice Captain, Essex Bowling Association Representative, North West Essex Bowling Association Representative, Ladies Chair, Ladies Captain, Midweek Captain, Social Committee Representative and two other members of The Club. Seventeen members to form the committee with seven members to form a quorum.

5.2 The committee shall deal with all matters concerning the running of The Club and may co-opt other members for special services. The committee shall meet within two calendar months from the date of the previous meeting.

5.3 The committee shall have power to give notice of motion to make recommendations to the A.G.M. and the Bocking Sports Club Committee and to fill any vacancy arising during the year.

5.4 The Chairperson or acting Chairperson shall have a casting vote at all meetings.

6. Hon. Secretary

The Hon. Secretary shall keep records of all business transacted at the A.G.M. and other meetings and shall submit to the A.G.M. a report of the proceedings since the previous A.G.M. They shall summon and give due notice of meetings and provide an agenda. The Secretary shall on all occasions in the execution of their office act under superintendence, control and the direction of the committee.

7. Hon Treasurer

The Hon Treasurer shall keep records of income and all receipts and expenditures of the past year and render to the A.G.M. an account showing all these transactions.

8. Competitions

Members entering The Club’s competitions must ensure that their games are played before the closing dates specified for each round. Full Rules are on the Competition Entry sheet. Failure to comply could result in disqualification of the member or members responsible. The Hon. Competitions Secretary has the power to nominate an assistant. This assistant does not need to be on the committee. All fees to be paid on entry to the competition.

9. Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will be elected by The Club Committee and will comprise of appropriate personnel for selection of teams in the various competitions entered by The Club. It is possible that different committees may be utilised for the various competitions entered. The Selection Committee includes the duties of Team Secretary.

10. Friendly Matches

Members wishing to play in The club’s friendly matches must enter their name on the team availability sheets that are displayed on the relevant notice board, no later than one week prior to the match being played.

The selected teams will be listed on the relevant notice board no later than the Wednesday previous to the match. It is the responsibility of the members to ensure that they are aware whether they have been selected.

11. Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.)

11.1 The A.G.M. shall be held in October of each year. The notice and agenda of this meeting shall be posted on The Club notice board at least 14 (fourteen) days before the date of the meeting.

11.2 All members (Full and Social) may attend the A.G.M. and take part in the business, but only Full Members shall be allowed to vote and act.

11.3 Every item on the agenda shall be submitted to the meeting for discussion and all votes for and against recorded.

11.4 Notices of motion and nominations for officers to serve on The Club committee, including nominations for Hon. Life Members must be submitted to the Hon. Secretary 14 (fourteen) days before the date of the A.G.M. If more than one nomination is received for each committee office a ballot shall be held at the A.G.M. Not more than one vote shall be cast by any individual except as provided by rule 5.4.

11.5 A Special or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called:-

11.5.1 If so determined by the committee.

11.5.2 On the requisition of not less than seven committee members.

Seven days notice shall be given before calling a Special/Extraordinary General Meeting, such notice to specify the purpose for which the meeting has been called. No other business shall be transacted at this meeting.

12. Conditions of Play, Competitions and Matches

The laws of Bowls England and Essex County Bowling Association shall apply. The Captain shall keep a record of all National, County and inter-Club matches. The Hon. Competition Secretary shall keep a record of all Club competitions and both shall give a report at the A.G.M.

Regulation bowling shoes or shoes with flat soles must always be worn on the green.

All Club members are expected to wear regulation dress/Club colours on the green at all times.

Players must not sit on the banks with their feet on the edge of the green.

Running on the green is not permitted.

Use of pitching mats will be determined by the Green Keepers.

When all rinks are in use, any rink with less than 8 players must accommodate any member wishing to play, provided this does not make an odd number. Club matches are not affected by this rule.

Rinks will be closed at the discretion of the Green Keepers.

It is the individual members responsibility to book rinks for any competition on the booking board provided. County competitions will take precedence. Rink closures and county competitions that fall on days when matches are booked should be notified, as a matter of courtesy, to the Captain of the day as soon as possible.

13. Guests

Guests can only play when accompanied by a member. The appropriate fee to be paid to a committee member.

14. Ladies Section

The Ladies Section, as a sub-section within the main Club, will abide by the rules 1 – 13 as laid down by The Club Committee with the following exceptions:-

14.1 Rule 5.1 – Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Captain, Vice Captain, Secretary, treasurer and a minimum of 1 additional committee member. A quorum will be at least 4 committee members.

14.2 Rule 7 – Hon. Treasurer – The Ladies Section Accounts will be kept and recorded regularly by the Ladies Treasurer in a proper manner andpresented to the Club’s Hon. treasurer at the end of the financial year, i.e. 30th September.

14.3 Rule 9 – The Ladies Section Selection Committee shall comprise of the Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice captain and/or Ladies secretary.

15. Alteration to Rules

Alterations of, or additions to, any of the foregoing rules shall be made only at the A.G.M. or at a Special/Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and provided that four weeks written notice of such alterations or additions has been given to the Hon. Secretary. It shall be deemed to have passed if the majority of votes are in favour. In the event of a tie in votes then Rule 5.4 applies.